src code

instance method Enumerable#any

Enumerable#any([iterator = Prototype.K[, context]]) → Boolean
  • iterator (Function) – An optional function to use to evaluate each element in the enumeration; the function should return the value to test. If this is not provided, the element itself is tested.
  • context (Object) – An optional object to use as this within calls to the iterator.

Determines whether at least one element is truthy (boolean-equivalent to true), either directly or through computation by the provided iterator.

// -> false (empty arrays have no elements that could be truthy)
 $R(0, 2).any();
// -> true (on the second loop, 1 is truthy)
 [2, 4, 6, 8, 10].any(function(n) { return n > 5; });
// -> true (the iterator will return true on 6)

Aliased as: Enumerable#some