
The object passed as the first argument of all Ajax requests callbacks.

This is a wrapper around the native xmlHttpRequest object (or it’s ActiveX counterpart). It normalizes cross-browser issues while adding support for JSON via the responseJSON and headerJSON properties.

Properties of the Ajax.Response object

Property Type Description
status Number The HTTP status code sent by the server.
statusText String The HTTP status text sent by the server.
readyState Number The request’s current state. 0 corresponds to "Uninitialized", 1 to "Loading", 2 to "Loaded", 3 to "Interactive" and 4 to "Complete".
responseText String The text body of the response.
responseXML document Object or null The XML body of the response if the content-type of the request is set to application/xml. null otherwise.
responseJSON Object, Array or null The JSON body of the response if the content-type of the request is set to application/json. null otherwise.
headerJSON Object, Array or null Auto-evaluated content of the X-JSON header if present. null otherwise. This is useful to transfer small amounts of data.
request Object The request object itself (an instance of Ajax.Request or Ajax.Updater).
transport Object The native xmlHttpRequest object itself.

Methods of the Ajax.Response object

Method Type Description
getHeader(name) String or null Returns the value of the requested header if present. null otherwise. Does not throw errors on undefined headers like it’s native counterpart does.
getAllHeaders() String or null Returns a string containing all headers separated by a line break. Does not throw errors if no headers are present like it’s native counterpart does.
getResponseHeader(name) String Returns the value of the requested header if present. Throws an error otherwise. This is just a wrapper around the xmlHttpRequest object’s native method. Prefer it’s shorter counterpart getHeader.
getAllResponseHeaders() String Returns a string containing all headers separated by a line break. Throws an error otherwise. This is just a wrapper around the xmlHttpRequest object’s native method. Prefer it’s shorter counterpart getAllHeaders.