src code

instance method Enumerable#eachSlice

Enumerable#eachSlice(number[, iterator = Prototype.K[, context]]) → Enumerable
  • number (Number) – The number of items to include in each slice.
  • iterator (Function) – An optional function to use to transform each element before it's included in the slice; if this is not provided, the element itself is included.
  • context (Object) – An optional object to use as this within calls to the iterator.

Groups items into chunks of the given size. The final "slice" may have fewer than number items; it won't "pad" the last group with empty values. For that behavior, use Enumerable#inGroupsOf.

var students = [
  { name: 'Sunny', age: 20 },
  { name: 'Audrey', age: 21 },
  { name: 'Matt', age: 20 },
  { name: 'Amelie', age: 26 },
  { name: 'Will', age: 21 }
 students.eachSlice(3, function(student) {
// -> [['Sunny', 'Audrey', 'Matt'], ['Amelie', 'Will']]