src code

class method Element.extend

Element.extend(element) → Element

Extends the given element instance with all of the Prototype goodness and syntactic sugar, as well as any extensions added via Element.addMethods. (If the element instance was already extended, this is a no-op.)

You only need to use Element.extend on element instances you've acquired directly from the DOM; all Prototype methods that return element instances (such as $, Element.down, etc.) will pre-extend the element before returning it.

Check out "How Prototype extends the DOM" for more about element extensions.


Specifically, Element.extend extends the given instance with the methods contained in Element.Methods and Element.Methods.Simulated. If element is an input, textarea, or select element, it will also be extended with the methods from Form.Element.Methods. If it is a form element, it will also be extended with the methods from Form.Methods.

Aliased as: Prototype.Selector.extendElement